The Life of Prophets after their Death and the Scholars of Wahhabiya-Deobandiya

12/12/2012 20:29


The Life of Prophets after their Death and the Scholars of Wahhabiya-Deobandiya


1. In one of the most important books of Deobandiya ‘Al Muhannad’ which have the attestations of 24 of their scholars, it is written: “According to us and our Shaykhs the Prophet  is Alive in his Grave and his Life is Worldly.......... This Life is special to the Prophet  and other Prophets and Martyrs (‘Shuhada’ is not only ‘Barzakhi’ which is even proven for all other Muslims, infact all Humans also..............Thus it is proven from this that the Life of Prophet  is Worldly and is also ‘Barzakhi’ in this meaning that it is in the World of ‘Barzakh’.” {Al Muhannad alal Mufannad; 28}


2.Maulvi Husayn Ahmad Tandvi Madani states: “His Life is not only ‘Ruhani’ (Spiritual) which is also for the common ‘Mu’minin’ (Believers) and ‘Shuhada’ (Martyrs) but it is also ‘Jismani’ (Bodily) and is similar to the Worldly Life but infact due to many reasons it is even stronger than it.” {Maktubat Shaykh ul Islam; 1:153}


3. Maulvi Mohammed Idrees Kandhelvi writes: “It is the Aqidah of Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamah in Consensus (Ijma) that the Prophets are Alive in their Graves after their Deaths and are involved in offering Prayers and other Worships. And though we cannot sense this ‘Barzakhi’ Life of the Prophets but with out any doubt their Lives are ‘Hissi’ (Sensual) and ‘Jismani’ (Bodily).” {Hayat e Nabvi; 2}


4. Maulvi Shabbir Ahmad Usmani writes: “Certainly, the Prophet  is Alive and offers Prayers in his Grave with ‘Azan’ and ‘Iqamah’.” {Fath ul Mulhim Sharh Sahih Muslim; 3:419}


At another place Maulvi Shabbir writes: “The Authentic Evidences proof that the Prophets are Alive which will be discussed shortly.....” {Fath ul Mulhim Sharh Sahih Muslim; 1:325}


5. Maulvi Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri writes: “Certainly, the Prophet  is Alive in his Grave just as other Prophets are Alive in their Graves.” {Bazl ul Majhud; 2:117}


6. Maulvi Mufti Aziz ur Rahman writes: “And the Lives of Prophets and especially the Life of our Prophet  is more Meritorious and Superior to the Lives of Martyrs.” {Fatawa Dar ul Ulum Deoband; 5:471}

Compiled & Translated by

Basharath Ali Siddiqui Ashrafi