Books on 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' - Proofs of Prophet-hood of the Beloved RasulAllah ~sal Allahu Alayhi wa sallam~

12/12/2012 20:51


Books on Dalail al Nubuwwah

Scholars of Islam have dedicated numerous books to this blessed topic, while some have included chapters in their books shedding light on the Miracles of the Prophet ~sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam~.


Most probably, the first scholar to compile the Miracles in one chapter was Imam Bukhari, the famed compiler of 'Sahih al Bukhari' who named one of the chapters in his book as 'Bab Alaamat al Nabuwwah fil Islam' & 'Baqiyah Ahadith Alaamat Nabuwwat fil Islam' under 'Kitab al Manaqib' collecting some 60 Hadiths on the Miracles of the Prophet. Imam Muslim followed a similar methodology by naming a chapter as 'Bab: Mu'jizat al Rasul' in his Sahih al Muslim. This blessed trend was later on followed by all the leading Muhaddithin.


Among others who specially authored books totally dedicated to this topic are:


1. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Dawud Sijistani (d. 275 A.H), the author and compiler of the famous 'Sunan Abu Dawud', as recorded by Imam Ibn Hajr Asqalani Shafai' in 'Tahzib al Tahzib'.

2. 'A'laam al Nubuwwah' by Imam Ibn Qutaybah Daynuri (d. 276 A.H).

3. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by the great Sufi Muhaddith Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dunya (d. 281 A.H).

4. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Ishaq Harbi (d. 285 A.H).

5. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Hammad Baghdadi Maliki (d. 320 A.H).

6. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Ahmad Assal (d. 249 A.H)

7. 'Al Ahkam li Siyaq Ayaat an Nabi alayhis salam' by Imam Abul Hassan Qattan (d. 359 A.H).

8. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abul Shaykh Ibn Hayyan (d. 369 A.H).

9. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Abdullah Ibn Mundah (d. 395 A.H).

10. Al Ikil fi Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Hafiz Hakim Nayshapuri Shafai' (d. 405 A.H).

11. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Saeed Kharkushi (d. 407 A.H).

12. 'Tasbit Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Qazi Abdul Jabbar Hamdani Shafai', the Qazi of Rayy' (d. 415 A.H).

13. 'Isbat Nabuwwat al Nabi' by Imam Ahmad bin Husayn Zaydi (d. 421 A.H).

14. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Nuaym Isfahani Shafai' (d. 430 A.H). This is one of most famous works containing 566 Hadiths and an English translation in underway on this website.

15. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abul Abbas Ja'far bin Muhammad al Ma'ruf Mustaghfiri Nasafi Hanafi (d. 432 A.H). The author has dedicated 7 chapters to the Miracles before the declaration of Prophet-hood and 10 Chapters on the Hadiths detailing Miracles after the declaration of Prophet-hood.

16. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Zarr Harawi (d. 434 A.H).

17. 'A'laam al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abul Hasan Mawardi (d. 450 A.H).

18. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Hafiz Abu Bakr bin Husayn Bayhaqi Shafai' (d. 458 A.H). The Translation of some parts of this extensive work is available on this website.

19. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abul Qasim Ismail bin Muhammad Isfahani Talhi al Muqallab 'Qawwam us Sunnah' (d. 535 A.H).

20. 'Dalail al Nubuwwah' by Imam Abu Bakr bin Hasan Naqqash Mosuli (d. 851 A.H).

21. Imam Hafiz Ibn Kathir Shafai' al Dimishqi (d. 774 A.H) collected most Miracles in his 'Al Bidayah wal Nihayah' dedicating a separate part to this topic.

22. 'Al Khasais al Kubra' by Imam Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti Shafai' Misri (d. 911 A.H). This is one of the finest works on 'Dalail al Nubuwwah', the English translation of which is underway on this website.

23. 'Ghayat al Sul fi Khasais al Rasul' by Imam Ibn Mulaqqin (d. 723 A.H). He also summarised the 'Dalail al Nubuwwah'.

24. 'Hujjat Allahi alal Alimin' by Imam Yusuf bin Ismail Nabhani Shafai (d. 1350 A.H), the translation of which is also underway on this website.

Compiled & Edited


Basharath Ali Siddiqui Ashrafi