Some Books on the Merits of Ahl al Bayt

12/12/2012 20:53



Some Books on the Merits of Ahl al Bayt

Through out Islamic history Muhaddithin have compiled numerous Hadiths in the Merits of ‘Ahl al Bayt’ in their Hadith collections under the titles ‘Kitab al Fazail’ or ‘Kitab al Manaqib’. Some other Muslim Scholars have also penned books specially dedicated to the merits of the respected Sayyids. They are:


i. ‘Al Ilm al Zahir fi Nafai’ Nasab al Tahir’ by the great Hanafi Jurist Imam Sayyid Ibn Abidin Shami.

ii. 'Ahya al Mayyit fi Fazail al Ahli Bayt' by the giant Hafiz of Hadith - Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti Shafai'.

iii. 'Irath al Adab li Fazil al Nasab' & 'Az Zahr al Basim fi Hurmat iz Zakat ala Bani Hashim' by Imam al Akbar Ahmad Raza Khan Quadri Bareilvi,

iv. ‘Al Sharf al Mawbad li Aali Muhammad’ by Imam Yusuf bin Ismail Nabhani Shafai'.

v. 'Al Kalam al Maqbul fi Taharat il Nasab al Rasul' by the giant Indian Mufassir - Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Ashrafi Nayimi.




Basharath Ali Siddiqui Ashrafi,

Ahl us Sunnah Foundation,

Hyd, India.